IEEE UNISA Student Branch


I - Association and Purpose

  1. The Student Branch - Salerno IEEE Student Group (hereafter SB) is a nonpolitical, nonprofit association initiated by students and for students.
  2. Among the main purposes of SB are:
    • Organization of seminars, workshops, local conferences;
    • Improve interaction between faculty and students and promote initiatives for contact and meeting;
    • Organizing student events and competitions to develop leadership and soft skills;
    • Provide a "bridge" between universities and the world of work with outbound orientation initiatives;
    • Promoting scholarships and awards to enhance excellence in the University of Salerno;
    • Inform the university community about initiatives related to study, research, and work.
  3. Members are enrolled in IEEE with student status (Bachelor Student, Master Degree Student and PhD Student).
  4. Membership is obtained by paying the annual IEEE Student Member fee.
  5. Loss of membership occurs if you fail to comply with Art 4) or if you lose a condition stipulated in Art .3).
  6. All members have equal rights and duties.
  7. The common fund, in addition to the income provided for IEEE SBs, may consist of donations, grants and sponsorships.
  8. Amendments to the bylaws must be approved by the board and then voted on by a majority of those present at the meeting.

II - Board

  1. The board manages the SB to achieve the social purposes. It assumes the direction and administration of the IEEE and is vested with all powers of ordinary and extraordinary administration.
  2. Makes whole regulations, prepares reports, prepares budgets and submits them for approval by the Members, who vote by a majority of those present. It is responsible to the members for the smooth operation of the SB.
  3. It is composed of the offices of President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer elected from the membership.
  4. The President represents the Association and presides over the Executive Board. He maintains and takes care of relations with other Associations, Offices and companies. He is assisted by the secretary for administrative matters.
  5. The Vice President replaces the President in cases of temporary absence or impediment.
  6. The Secretary handles the administrative side in consultation with the President and the financial side in concento with the Treasurer. He/she prepares reports and minutes and maintains membership and minute books.
  7. The Treasurer manages the economic - accounting part with the help of the President and Secretary. He/she maintains the books of account and prepares the required financial statements.
  8. Those elected serve for a term of 1 (one) year and are eligible for re-election.
  9. The executive board is elected by the membership meeting by a relative majority of those voting. Each member of the board has equal decision-making and initiative powers, and assumes responsibility for his or her actions; ultimate responsibility rests with the president.
  10. The Executive resolves by absolute majority vote. In case of a tie, the vote of the person presiding over the meeting prevails.
  11. Resolutions of the Executive Board attended by only two voters are invalid.
  12. Executive meetings are chaired by the President or in his absence by the Vice President.
  13. The board shall be convened whenever the president or two members request it.
  14. The members' meeting may vote on a motion of no confidence in the board, by which it relieves the board from related duties. The no-confidence may also concern a single member.
  15. The no-confidence must be constructive, individually naming the people who will hold offices from then on. It shall be approved by an absolute majority of all SB members. The proposed offices must be voted on by the Membership Assembly.
  16. In case of loss of the requirements in item I-3), the board member may request a waiver to hold office until the end of the term to the Executive. Suddemed waiver must be approved by the Executive and then approved by the General Meeting of Members within 90 days of the loss of the requirement in item I-3).

III - Members' Meeting

  1. The Members' Assembly is the main body of the Association. All members who are entitled to attend may do so.
  2. The members elect the Executive Board and can challenge it.
  3. Every member has active and passive electoral rights. In the event of elections, a member may delegate or be delegated to represent his preference. In the event of no-confidence, there shall be no proxy.
  4. They approve the resolutions of the Executive Board by a majority of those present.
  5. The President of the Executive Board convenes the meetings at least one week in advance, and they are open to all members. Each convocation must necessarily contain an agenda. Members may propose an item on the agenda after informing the President in good time.
  6. The convocation of the members can be requested from the President by 1/3 of the members.